Ministry PartnersPartners in the Great Commission
Ministry of the Month: Missions to Military
Our ministry of the month is Missions to Military, located in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. They exist to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the men and women who put their lives on the line for our country every day. Through evangelism, discipleship, and local church partnership, missions to military welcomes all active military. Meals and accommodations are free and their trained staff are ready to befriend, serve, counsel, and mentor our men and women in uniform. Find out more at

Our Connected Ministries

International Cooperating Ministries
OUR VISION: A healthy church within walking distance of everyone in the world.
OUR MISSION: Nurture Believers And Assist Church Growth Worldwide.. We do this by partnering with indigenous ministries to equip local churches with two vital resources: A permanent church building and practical discipleship tools for oral learners.

Go TELL Ministries
In the incredibly charged environment of GO TELL Camps, God’s Word is taught by today’s leading Christian authorities. Students and their leaders worship alongside dedicated, passionate artists; and no life goes untouched. For more than 30 years, God has anointed and used GO TELL Camps to evangelize and disciple tens of thousands of students and their leaders. Experience GO TELL student camp June 24-28 on the campus of Liberty University! Space is limited. Register today at

Celebrate Recovery, Midpoint Church, NC
A Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life. We meet at Midpoint Church every Friday at 7 pm. 5407 NC - 231. Middlesex, NC

Missions to Military
Our ministry of the month is Missions to Military, located in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. They exist to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the men and women who put their lives on the line for our country every day. Through evangelism, discipleship, and local church partnership, missions to military welcomes all active military. Meals and accommodations are free and their trained staff are ready to befriend, serve, counsel, and mentor our men and women in uniform. Find out more at

Anchored in Faith
The mission of Anchored in Faith Together is to give hope & encouragement to individuals diagnosed with breast cancer, survivors, and/or caregivers. They do this through therapeutic services, group and individual counseling, support pillows, and care packages full of encouraging gifts, and celebrate with you through every milestone. If you or a loved one have been challenged with breast cancer, visit
6828 Thirlane Road Roanoke, VA 24019 (877-829-5500)

Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center
The Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, which officially opened in January 1999, is the result of a combined effort by Lynchburg area Christians who were concerned about women in crisis pregnancy situations. We are affiliated with Heartbeat International, an organization for crisis pregnancy centers, CareNet, and NIFLA (National Institute of Family and Life Advocates). To support or serve, visit
3701 Old Forest Rd, Lynchburg, VA 24501 (434-528-4321)

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Virginia
Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living. CEF of Virginia has many different ministries for children, but the primary ones are the Good News Club and the 5-Day Club.
Central Virginia, Roanoke Valley, Mountain Empire, Northern Virginia, Richmond, Peninsula, Tidewater

Compassion International
Become a sponsor today and help a child stand up to poverty. 1000s of children are waiting. Make a difference in the world by sponsoring a child in Jesus' name with Compassion International. Give Now! Visit and find out ways to get involved and save a child from poverty. Remember to send a Christmas gift and bring joy to a child in poverty. Be God’s Hands & Feet: Christ-Centered, tax deductible giving. Find us on YouTube and LinkedIn.
12290 Voyager Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80921 (800-336-7676)

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Huddle Up!
What is a Campus Huddle? FCA Huddles have regularly scheduled gatherings on campus that meet for the purpose of training, equipping, and growing athletes and coaches in their faith to further impact the world around them. For more information about Huddles in your area, visit FCA of Virginia or the FCA local areas page to contact the rep in your area.

Gleaning for the World
Gleaning For The World is a humanitarian organization which addresses the critical needs of people suffering during natural disasters and extreme poverty. We connect American surplus which is perfectly usable but fails corporate, medical, and industrial quality control. We hope you’ll be able to join us as we continue to fund our humanitarian aid endeavors as we help others – one box at a time. 7539 Stage Road Concord, Virginia 24538 (434-993-3600)