Our Journey’s: What God’s Teaching Me
Larry Walters – Stewardship Director for TWR
One day children were brought to Jesus in the hope that he would lay hands on them and pray over them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus intervened: “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these.” – Matthew 19:14 The Message
As I think of the verses above, one of the sweetest and most impactful examples of child-like faith I’ve ever witnessed transpired during Partner Invitation on The Journey.
On Tuesday, September 21, when Keely’s mom called to tell us her little girl wanted to give $20 by doing “extra chores”, our hearts melted. Little did she know on Thursday, Jesus would inspire 41 people to give $20/month to follow her giving heart, turning $20 into nearly $10,000!
Even now, as I write about Keely’s gift, I’m tearing up. Ok, I admit I’m a softy, especially when I think of a nine-year-old little girl who is working joyfully for mommy so she can give to Jesus and keep her station going strong during the next six months of ministry. Look what He did to show us “…God’s Kingdom is made up of people like these!”
We never get tired of saying it – your partnership equals changed lives!
I’m Larry Walters, radio host and friend of The Journey. It’s truly a privilege to host Partner Invitation with Kenny and Brittany each Spring and Fall. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus through your generous giving, taking your station over the goal! I’m a life that has been changed as a result of your partnership.